Monday, July 13, 2009

Cup'a love,anyone?

Feeling like I've just cracked the code of the Aztecs, a whole gush of feelings came rushing into me, and thats when I felt, and learnt something I always thought I understood these past years. But the truth is, no. The old-easily-taken-for-granted phrase, 'One day, we will all find true love' is very misleading indeed..and not many of us give much thought to it. This thought will eventually cross our minds at some point, but don't we wonder when is that 'one day' and what is meant by that 'true love' everyone keeps talking about? Ofcourse, every individual is entitled to their own opinion, so let me just share mine with you :)

True love? Most of us just push those two words away,thinking it has always got something to do with life partners, boyfriends, girlfriends etc..this is obviously the reaction of someone who has experienced a bitter breakup (or several bitter breakups) or someone who just..wants to be the "unique", "odd" one out, for being rather synical yet attractive in their own way. Here's a thing, true love doesn't always have to be linked to a lover now, does it? It can relive in the form of love towards parents, pets, siblings, anything.. but most importantly, towards yourself.

Love yourself, and that is what true love actually means. If you love yourself, even if you THINK (and usually,this comes from what others judge you to be) you're fat, skinny, have a broad nose, or a wide forehead, then my pal, you've found true love:) Think 'bout it, why would anyone have a reason to love you, when you yourself, living it that body, can't accept yourself for who you are? My point is, this kinda love (sorry, i got tired of the word true love:P) can be found within yourself. Try sticking this on your wall , "I've found true love in loving myself". I'm pretty sure you'll feel damn good bout yourself later !

And that one day I mentioned earlier, will come when you do find this treasure. As for me, I found mine after glueing my eyes on the TV screen, with the thought of 7 add. math sums left to do at the back of my mind, watching Penelope. But, hey, it was worth it, wasn't it?

Cheers !:)


  1. omgosh laj. BRILLIANTTTT!

    but you know, i prefer to remain cynical. :D

  2. .. laj. u are gonna make others to crack their minds just to think about wat u said..
